I've been a member of AJL for several years. Along the way I've 
chaired an AJL committee that helped bring Jewish children's books 
back into print, authored a Sydney Taylor Honor Book (Shlemiel 
Crooks), and coordinated the Jewish Children's Book Writers' 
Conference with Steve Siegel when it was sponsored by the library at 
the 92nd Street Y.

I continue to write and to work as a literary agent, but have 
recently created a website, and what I hope will be the beginning of 
an organization, that is a bit removed from my usual focus on Jewish 
children's books. The website is for older childless Jews:


Being an older childless Jew is not something people talk about, 
perhaps out of fear of hurting the person who is childless, but it's 
an issue that will never go away for some of us. I hope Yerusha will 
be a starting point for discussions or even the formations of local 
groups among Jews who want to share experiences and support.

In fact, I hope others will step in and take Yerusha to the next level.

Please refer the above website to any patrons who are looking for 
resources for older childless Jews.

Thank you.

Anna Olswanger

Anna Olswanger | Literary Agent, Liza Dawson Associates
350 Seventh Avenue, Suite 2003 | New York, NY 10001-1930
t: 201-791-4699 | w: <http://www.olswanger.com>www.olswanger.com | w: 

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