At 12:42 AM 11/05/2010, you wrote:
   Can one transfer a VHS to DVD only for archival purposes?  Do
we really have to purchase brand new DVD's of all the wonderful VHS
tapes we have, that are no longer used because they equipment to show
them isn't made or isn't available anymore? Diary of Anne Frank,
Yentl, Hester Street, Rugrats Chanukah, and one could go on and
on?  What if it's a VHS that is not available as a DVD?

These questions bother librarians and scholars, but the lawmakers did 
not fully address all of these issues.  In my next blog on copyright 
I will deal with the questions concerning who does the copyright law 
really protect?  The British law, Statue of Anne (Copyright Act 
1709), the first copyright legislation, seems to protect the printers 
and publishers because only publishers could own a 
copyright.  Napoleonic Code was more concerned about the intellectual 
property rights of the creator; copyright was automatic upon 
creation.  American law seems to favor the authors and creators over 
the publishers.  The Berne Convention combines these protections and 
guess who loses -- scholars, librarians, and libraries.

If a DVD says "For Home Use Only"  it means that if can not be used 
any where else.  You can't borrow a DVD from the library and show it 
without securing another license.  Many people violate this provision 
of the law because the home use license is much less than a public 
performance license.

For more you will have to read my next blog article.

Shabbat shalom,

Daniel Stuhlman
Chicago, IL
ddstuhlman at

Blog:      Latest entry Nov. 2


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