At 01:00 AM 02/09/2011, Andrea Rapp wrote:
On my usual out-of-print sources, I do not find this book,  whose
value a patron is exploring:
  ....     a small hardback book (bound in blue fabric cover with
orange lettering) by I. Pollack and S. Pitlik, published in
Dorchester MA and copyrighted in l929. <snip>

Israel Hayim Pollack, 1885-1945 wrote many Hebrew language and Humash 
text books Published by Hebrew Publishing Company of New York.  They 
were frequently published with many different covers, but minor 
changes to the text.  I have at least 15 in my collection. None were 
published in Dorchester, MA. One reason I collection these books is 
the low cost of entry.  I don't think that I paid more than 50 cents 
for any volume.  Most of the time people are glad to give them away 
to me without payment.

Without the title your description is wanting.  However, the value is 
what people are willing to pay.  There is no market for used Hebrew 
texts.  The value of your item is only sentimental,  not monetary.

Daniel Stuhlman
Chicago, IL
ddstuhlman at

Blog:      Latest entry Jan. 30


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