Dear Friends,


After Memorial Day we celebrated Israel Independence Day 65 hoping for a
productive and peaceful year.  Our thoughts, prayers and condolences go out
to the injured, families of victims and citizens in the wake of the recent
terrorist Boston marathon massacre.


Regarding some recent developments in publishing from Israel:


Michal Shalev has written another novel entitled, 'Yamim Be-Se'ara,
Snowstorm.' She is a best selling Israeli author who has written, among
others, '100 Winters,' 'Rahamim,' (cat. 57287) and Hizdamnut le-mashehu tov
/ Wishing Well, (cat. 66909). This latest book is published by Zemora -
Bitan, isbn 978-965-552-554-0.   Cat. 81429 $29.00


Kinneret Zemora Bitan has published Aharon Appelfeld's latest novel, 'Avi
ve-Imi,  My Parents,'  isbn 978-965-552-535-9. Undoubtedly this work by a
major recognized Israeli author will be considered a 'must have,' for any
Hebrew Literature collection.  Cat. 81466  $29.00


Mazal Orev, is a new book by Amir Gutfreund, published, also by Zemora
Bitan, isbn 978-965-552-521-2.  The book is titled, 'A Mercenary and Winter
Buds,' in English. The author is an award winning Israeli author.  Cat.
81387    $29.00  


Mossad Bialik has published a soft cover book, 'She'elot b'Sifrut, Issues in
Literature,' by Dror Burstein. This is important for those interested in and
collecting for research in Hebrew Literature and literary criticism.  Cat.
81498  $19.00 


Yonatan Gefen has written, 'Keter Zemani,' Temporary Crown, published by
Dvir,  isbn 978-965-552-538-0.    This artist is perhaps best known as a
songwriter and as father of Aviv Gefen   the international  pop star.
He has also been a poet and journalist. Cat. 81433 $ 30.00  


Yair Lapid's wife, Lihy Lapid has written, 'Ani Lo Yekhola Lehiyot Tamid
Nehederet,' I Can't Always be Wonderful,' published by Kinneret, isbn
978-965-552-539-7.  She is an author and the book is a collection of
(newspaper) articles she has published. Cat. 81432 $ 28.00



Under Israel and Zionism I would like to mention a couple of important and
very different books. First, Rav Shelomo Goren,  a biography of this former
head of the military Rabbinate and later (Ashkenazi) Chief Rabbi by Avi Rat.
The book is published by Yediot Hemed, isbn 978-965-545-754-4.  Rabbi Goren
was an important figure in religious Zionism and a controversial figure
particularly regarding prayer and sovereignty on the temple mount.     Cat.
81536  $ 35.00    






Second, 'Kelev Shemira,' (watchdog) by Dan Shilon. Known by many as Israel's
premier talk and variety show host, he was not just a celebrity but a
powerful figure in Israeli media and broadcasting.    Perhaps in today's era
he would (have) founded a political party like Yair Lapid?       Published
by Yediot Hemed, isbn 978-965-545-715-5.  Cat. 81511  $ 30.00    


In addition to providing a glance at important and interesting Hebrew
publication in Israel, Librarians, Judaica Curators, and scholars will see
the overlap between Hebrew literature and the areas of Israel and Zionism.
Significant political, historic  and social trends in Israel are also
expressed and discernable  by studying these books. 


All of us at Jerusalem Books wish you a Happy Lag B'Omer and Shavu'ot and
pleasant springtime.  I look forward to seeing many of you at the AJL in

Please keep in touch,


Jeff Spitzer

Jerusalem Books Ltd.



Ron Basher

Jerusalem Books LTD.

P.O.B 26190

Jerusalem 91261 Israel


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