The deadline for registering for the 50th Annual AJL Conference in Silver 
Spring, MD (June 21-24, 2015) at the early bird member rate of $492.95 is 
tomorrow, April 24. After that the member registration fee will be $532.95. The 
organizing committee has been working very hard to put together another 
wonderful conference. You can view the preliminary program schedule and 
detailed descriptions of conference sessions on the Upcoming Conference page of 
the AJL website ( ). Don't miss your opportunity to 
register at the discounted member rate by going to before the end of the day tomorrow. 

If you have applied for a stipend, we encourage you to register now. However, 
stipend applicants who are unable to register without first hearing from the 
Stipend Committee will still have the opportunity to register at the discounted 
rate after the April 24 deadline. 

Please contact me with any registration questions. 

Looking forward to seeing all of you in DC, 

Marcie Eskin 
AJL Registrar 
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