Hello, Henning, list.

I've been playing with Haskore-SuperCollider today, and it's lots of
fun. First, I should say that I am not using hsc3 or Haskore through
emacs, but interacting directly with ghci in a terminal through vim
using this:


I went to the Readme. I needed to do this:

:m Haskore.Interface.SuperCollider.Example

rather than :load, which gave me this:

Prelude Haskore> :load Haskore.Interface.SuperCollider.Example

<no location info>:
    module `Haskore.Interface.SuperCollider.Example' is a package module
Failed, modules loaded: none.

Because of a similar error, this was necessary:

:m + Haskore.Interface.SuperCollider.Play.Life

Trying to run:

sawPerc <- installInstr0 "saw percussion" Example.sawPercUGen

won't work because of the way I've added the module, so instead, I did
this in ghci:

sawPerc <- installInstr0 "saw percussion" sawPercUGen

I haven't quite figured out the live keyboard thing... still, if I hit
a key or a couple keys and then <C-d> (but not before hitting <C-d>),
I hear a note/notes. Neat!

As for the example song, it might be helpful to mention in the Readme
that you can run the Air demo this way from ghci.

Locate the file Air.hs. Assuming it is in the directory ghci is
running from, load it in ghci this way:

:l ./Air.hs

Then run the demo from ghci this way:


Then you can enjoy the song.

If I'm making any stupid mistakes here, please let me know.

Renick Bell
haskell-art mailing list

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