
I have been using Haskell for a few weeks now and I can say that I am totally impressed by how easy it is to program with it. I am now doing some small exercises to get used to the language syntax and I have a little (newbie) question:

   Suppose I declare a function foo like:

   foo :: [Double] -> Int -> Int
   foo a b

Suppose now that I want to apply this function to a list that contains lists of doubles (something like [[Double]]) using map, but I want to keep the 'b' parameter fixed (with a value of 5 for instance). Is it possible to use map passing the function foo with the 2nd argument only ? In other words, if I wrote this function like:

   foo :: Int -> [Double] -> Int

   I could clearly call it with:

   map (foo 5) my_list_of_lists_of_doubles

   But how to do that (if possible) when I invert the parameters list ?!

   Thanks in advance,
   Andre Abs da Cruz
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