
After reading Peter Norvig's take on writing a Sudoku solver (http:// norvig.com/sudoku.html) I decided that I would port his program to Haskell, without changing the algorithm, that'll make a nice exercise I thought
and should be fairly easy... Boy, was I wrong !

Anyway, I eventually managed to tiptoe around for loops, mutable state, etc... However, when I run my program against the test data provided (http:// norvig.com/top95.txt), I find it takes around 1m20 s to complete (compiled with -fvia-C and - O2, on a MacBook Pro 2.33GHz Intel Core 2 Duo). That's roughly 8 times longer than Norvig's Python script. That's not what I expected !
My program is also longer than the Python version.

Being a beginner, I am convinced my implementation is super naive and non idiomatic. A seasonned Haskeller would do much shorter and much faster. I don't know how to improve it though !

Should I introduce more strictness ? replace lists with more efficient data structures (ByteStrings, Arrays) ?

Here is my program, and part of the profiling (memory allocation looks huge !)

I hope this post wasn't too long. Thanks for any advice !



This is an attempt to implement in Haskell, Peter Norvig's sudoku solver :
"Solving Every Sudoku Puzzle" (http://norvig.com/sudoku.html)

In Norvig's program, methods which change a grid return either a new grid, either False (failure).
Here I use Maybe, and return Just grid or Nothing in case of failure


module Main where
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.List hiding (lookup)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad
import Maybe
import System.IO

-- Types
type Digit  = Char
type Square = String
type Unit   = [Square]

-- We represent our grid as a Map
type Grid = M.Map Square [Digit]

-- Setting Up the Problem

rows = "ABCDEFGHI"
cols = "123456789"
digits = "123456789"

cross :: String -> String -> [String]
cross rows cols = [ r:c:[] | r <- rows, c <- cols ]

squares :: [Square]
squares = cross rows cols  -- ["A1","A2","A3",...]

unitlist :: [Unit]
unitlist = [ cross rows [c] | c <- cols ] ++
           [ cross [r] cols | r <- rows ] ++
[ cross rs cs | rs <- ["ABC","DEF","GHI"], cs <- ["123","456","789"]]

units :: M.Map Square [Unit]
units = M.fromList [ (s, [ u | u <- unitlist, elem s u ]) | s <- squares ]

peers :: M.Map Square [Square]
peers = M.fromList [ (s, set [[ p | p <- e, p /= s ] | e <- lookup s units ]) | s <- squares ]
  where set = nub . concat

-- Wrapper around M.lookup used in list comprehensions

lookup :: (Ord a, Show a) => a -> M.Map a b -> b
lookup k v = case M.lookup k v of
                Just x -> x
Nothing -> error $ "Error : key " ++ show k ++ " not in map !"

-- lookup k m = fromJust . M.lookup k m
-- Parsing a grid into a Map

parsegrid     :: String -> Maybe Grid
parsegrid g    = do regularGrid g
                    foldM assign allPossibilities (zip squares g)

  where  allPossibilities :: Grid
         allPossibilities = M.fromList [ (s,digits) | s <- squares ]
         regularGrid   :: String -> Maybe String
         regularGrid g  = if all (\c -> (elem c "0.-123456789")) g
                             then (Just g)
                             else Nothing

-- Propagating Constraints

assign        :: Grid -> (Square, Digit) -> Maybe Grid
assign g (s,d) = if (elem d digits) then do -- check that we are assigning a digit and not a '.'
                    let toDump = delete d (lookup s g)
                    res <- foldM eliminate g (zip (repeat s) toDump)
                    return res
                 else return g

eliminate     ::  Grid -> (Square, Digit) -> Maybe Grid
eliminate g (s,d) = let cell = lookup s g in
if not (elem d cell) then return g -- already eliminated
                    -- else d is deleted from s' values
                       else do let newCell = delete d cell
                                   newV = M.insert s newCell g --
                               newV2 <- case length newCell of
-- contradiction : Nothing terminates the computation
                                           0 -> Nothing
-- if there is only one value (d2) left in square, remove it from peers 1 -> do let peersOfS = [ s' | s' <- lookup s peers ] res <- foldM eliminate newV (zip peersOfS (cycle newCell))
                                                   return res
-- else : return the new grid
                                           _ -> return newV
-- Now check the places where d appears in the units of s let dPlaces = [ s' | u <- lookup s units, s' <- u, elem d (lookup s' newV2) ]
                               case length dPlaces of
                                  0 -> Nothing
-- d can only be in one place in unit; assign it there
                                  1 -> assign newV2 (head dPlaces, d)
                                  _ -> return newV2

-- Search

search         :: Maybe Grid -> Maybe Grid
search Nothing  = Nothing
search (Just g) = if all (\xs -> length xs == 1) [ lookup s g | s <- squares ]
                    then (Just g) -- solved
else do let (_,s) = minimum [ (length (lookup s g),s) | s <- squares, length (lookup s g) > 1 ]
                                g' = g -- copie of g
foldl' some Nothing [ search (assign g' (s,d)) | d <- lookup s g ]
  where some Nothing Nothing  = Nothing
        some Nothing (Just g) = (Just g)
        some (Just g) _ = (Just g)

-- Display solved grid

printGrid :: Grid -> IO ()
printGrid = putStrLn . gridToString

gridToString :: Grid -> String
gridToString g = let l0= map snd (M.toList g) -- [("1537"),("4"),...] l1 = (map (\s -> " " ++ s ++ " ")) l0 -- [" 1 "," 2 ",...] l2 = (map concat . sublist 3) l1 -- [" 1 2 3 "," 4 5 6 ",...] l3 = (sublist 3) l2 -- [[" 1 2 3 "," 4 5 6 "," 7 8 9 "],...] l4 = (map (concat . intersperse "|")) l3 -- [" 1 2 3 | 4 5 6 | 7 8 9 ",...]
                     l5 = (concat . intersperse [line] . sublist 3) l4
                  in unlines l5
  where sublist n [] = []
        sublist n xs = take n xs : sublist n (drop n xs)
        line = hyphens ++ "+" ++ hyphens ++ "+" ++ hyphens
        hyphens = take 9 (repeat '-')


main :: IO ()
main = do h <- openFile "top95.txt" ReadMode
          grids <- hGetContents h
          let solved = mapMaybe (search . parsegrid) (lines grids)
          mapM_ printGrid solved
          hClose h

************************************************************************ ***

        Sun Aug 26 13:44 2007 Time and Allocation Profiling Report  (Final)

           sudoku_norvig +RTS -p -hc -RTS

        total time  =       49.40 secs   (988 ticks @ 50 ms)
        total alloc = 6,935,777,308 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)

COST CENTRE                    MODULE               %time %alloc

lookup                         Main                  65.7   22.6
eliminate                      Main                  32.4   70.3
search                         Main                   1.8    6.3

individual inherited COST CENTRE MODULE no. entries % time %alloc %time %alloc

MAIN MAIN 1 0 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 main Main 190 1 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 printGrid Main 214 95 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 gridToString Main 215 665 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 search Main 208 427143 1.8 6.3 99.4 99.2 assign Main 210 468866 0.1 0.6 90.4 90.3 eliminate Main 212 30626903 32.2 69.8 89.9 89.6 lookup Main 213 172203504 57.7 19.9 57.7 19.9 lookup Main 211 468866 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.1 lookup Main 209 22447632 7.2 2.6 7.2 2.6 parsegrid Main 192 95 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.7 assign Main 198 7695 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.7 eliminate Main 201 51054 0.2 0.5 0.6 0.7 lookup Main 202 1239860 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.1 lookup Main 200 1953 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

... (more innocuous stuff)

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