I'm running a 3 node hdfs cluster and am having major data distribution issues. 
 Looking at "live nodes" in the web interface I'm seeing the following:

Node    Last 
Contact Admin State     Configured 
Capacity (TB)   Used 
(TB)    Non DFS 
Used (TB)       Remaining 
(TB)    Used 
(%)     Used 
(%)     Remaining 
(%)     Blocks
ds1     2       In Service      5.37    1.62    0.27    3.48    30.19   
64.73   81969
ds2     0       In Service      5.37    5.1     0.27    0       94.9    
0.01    72692
ds3     0       In Service      5.37    1.77    0.27    3.33    32.91   
62.01   84412

In a non-html formated way:

node   capacity   %used
ds1      5.37TB     30%
ds2      5.37TB     95%      
ds3      5.37TB     32%      

I ran a dfsadmin metasave and got the following

Metasave: Blocks waiting for replication: 0
Metasave: Blocks being replicated: 0
Metasave: Blocks 692759 waiting deletion from 3 datanodes.

It looks like all of the spacing being used on ds2 is due to block not being 
deleted.  The vast majority of blocks that need to be deleted are attributed to 
ds2 (I didn't include it here because the list is so large). Checking the logs 
I'll see the occasional: 

(FSNamesystem.java:invalidateWorkForOneNode(2717)) - BLOCK* ask to delete  blk_8850139985669106987_2950393 
blk_6677512006515381913_3142239 blk_-7534196842342813001_2880360 
blk_6575946937866450337_3280570 blk_-3722158283806045364_3118632 
blk_-3490603823691151224_3036593 blk_-897396045616120182_2930553 
blk_-4660390234299740937_3117083 blk_4605672167531794646_3042444 
blk_-2793729264523330063_3046949 blk_-1069835590195826211_2928578 
blk_-3689480462529026793_3284707 blk_-2100166843619194516_3265408 
blk_5162047185501320447_3278539 blk_3664800743566330457_3065400 
blk_3369418146997398320_3111317 blk_5964743871832843148_3031713 
blk_-8218489376644120438_2987780 blk_367071346032512828_3180655 
blk_-442303570139272169_3314076 blk_5419190113922354447_3205121 
blk_-2101734991458420810_3075412 blk_1957248302788390163_2955454 
blk_8699145900031080784_2957098 blk_7385528884584110838_3058451 
blk_4447871550951654682_3039010 blk_1887493293417017989_3223726 
blk_6157668188087364422_2901764 blk_-8576478885691122637_3268999 
blk_1151511910147641335_3222139 blk_8085841381003430120_2901077 
blk_-7657800079806100653_3240574 blk_234746170041166777_3211835 
blk_7314545895906772373_2975491 blk_613366993704120940_2873518 
blk_-7668134916749889355_2904183 blk_64385028396804451_3109940

but it is very infrequent for ds2.  For ds1 and ds3 the requests are much more 
regular.  Any idea what is going on?  Why it isn't sending the delete commands? 
Or what I need to do or check to solve the problem?


Jeff Whiting
Qualtrics Senior Software Engineer

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