At Fri, 30 Nov 2007 10:58:38 -0500,
Sebastien Maret wrote:
> I am rather confused by these differences. The fact that both programs
> give the same results make me think that it's not a bug in my program,
> but a real performance difference between the two solvers. Maybe the
> GSL solvers are not suited to solve such a large systems of stiff
> equations? I have tried to use other implicit solvers from the GSL
> (except for bsimp, which require the Jacobian), and they all have
> similar performance.


A couple of questions: 

Are the overall error goals set in the same way?

If you increase the gsl error tolerance by a factor of 10 do the
solutions deviate significantly?

Brian Gough
(GSL Maintainer)

Network Theory Ltd,
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