At Tue, 7 Oct 2008 09:55:06 -0600 (MDT),
L. A. Pritchett-Sheats wrote:
> I'm writing an integration package which calculates N dimensional
> integrals on infinite intervals using the GSL Monte Carlo functions. I'm
> using tan(pi/2 x) to transform the integral to the (0,1) domain. For
> different functions, I've seen negative values for the chi/dof values.
> This is a reproducer integrating a gaussian on (0,+inf) that follows the
> sample code found in the GSL manual where I've seen this problem on both a
> Mac ( 10.4.11, Intel ) and a Linux machine (AMD Operton 86x_64). Although
> the values differ on the two machines, at least 2-3 calls in the loop will
> return a negative value for chi/dof.
> I searched through the bug list archives and I didn't see this reported.
> Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong here?

Thanks for the email.  I have logged that as a bug -- negative chisq
should certainly not be returned, wherever it is coming from.

Brian Gough

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