Dear Histonetters,

I'm looking for methods to preserve intestinal tissue samples, in order to later isolate RNA from laser microdissected cryosections. I'm a bit worried about the intestinal enzymes (not sure if the RNA will be preserved even at -80C for very long). I was told that RNALater might be better, but I don't have personal experience on the stuff.

Does anybody know if RNALater-treated tissues can be later frozen and cut to adequate cryosections? How about antigenicity, as we would probably like to use the same samples for immunohistochemistry as well?

Another question: is it true that OCT-embedded frozen tissues can be used to isolate RNA (with Trizol, for example)?

I know these have been discussed in the past, but couldn't find definite answers in the archives. Perhaps more experience has been gathered since then!

With best regards,
Mikael Niku

Mikael Niku, PhD, university lecturer University of Helsinki, Division of Nutrition

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