I am a supporter of certification as a goal.  I have no problem with anyone who 
is OJT and took their exam.  The goal of having everyone certified is to have a 
standardization so that we don't have such a disparity in pay.  I can tell you 
that I have worked at a hospital where the difference in pay between certified 
and uncertified was significant (several $ per hour differeence) even though 
these individuals were performing the same tasks.  Is that fair?  No, but if 
you have the education then you get the higher pay.  Now does it sound more 
fair?  I feel that anyone who is in the position to train at a hospital should 
be moving toward certification, even if that means one college course at at 
time.  Everyone should always be trying to increase their knowledge.  This is 
what make each of us marketable.  If you are not challenging yourself, how can 
you ever improve?  There are several online programs out there for those of you 
in rural
 hospitals, so there really isn't a viable reason for not persuing 
certification.  And just look at the end results: more pay and more respect.
Just my 2 cents...

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