Just wonder anyone has a suggestion of antibody that works on rat brain? Frozen 
section and parafin sections?
It would be great if this also works on mice.



发件人: Colleen Forster 
发送时间: 2009-03-06  00:57:29 
收件人: tifei 
抄送: iskaliora; histonet; ΕΛΕΝΗ ΚΟΝΣΟΛΑΚΗ 
主题: Re: [Histonet] staining brain vessels 
You have to have a specific CD31 to work on mouse brain. Very few of 
them do.
Colleen Forster
TF wrote:
> hi, CD31 works great
> in my section alpha-SMA also works
> another way is to perfuse the brain with BSA-rhodamine.
> you will get the fluorescence without the need of staining.
> 2009-03-05 
> TF 
> 发件人: iskaliora 
> 发送时间: 2009-03-05  18:49:11 
> 收件人: histonet 
> 主题: [Histonet] staining brain vessels 
> I was wondering if anybody might have an idea with the following  
> problem we are experiencing:  we want to stain for blood vessels in  
> sections of mouse brain.  Our experimental tissues have been fixed  
> overnight in 4% paraformaldehyde and have been sitting in PBS since.   
> We have tried staining with antibodies against desmin, SMA, and  
> collagen but we get NO specific signal.  We recently tried a non-fixed  
> mouse brain and got desmin to work immediately.  The problem is that  
> we need to use the fixed brains because they are our experimental  
> model and it would take too long (2 years to be exact) to generate the  
> same samples.  If anybody has come across such a problem before, or  
> has a specific protocol for vessels that works on PFA fixed brain, we  
> would appreciate the suggestions!
> thanks in advance!
> Irini
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Irini Skaliora, PhD
> Investigator C᾽ (Assistant Professor)
> Developmental Biology Division
> Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens (BRFAA)
> Soranou Efessiou 4
> Athens 11527
> tel. +30-210-6597203 (office)
> tel. +30-210-6597482 (lab)
> fax. +30-210-6597545
> email: iskali...@bioacademy.gr
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