Good Morning!
In keeping with the weirdness of the projects I get in this lab today my question is about processing mosquito GI tracts. I have a processing schedule - that is not the problem. I'm wondering if anybody out in histoland has a suggestion for what kind of cassette to use. I was thinking of the histoscreen cassette because these GI tracts are so thin (I think thinner than a hair)and I don't want to wrap them or use sponges because I'm afraid that I'll loose them or crush them.
Any ideas?

: Andrea Grantham, HT(ASCP)     Dept. of Cell Biology & Anatomy     :
: Sr. Research Specialist       University of Arizona               :
: (office:  AHSC 4212)          P.O. Box 245044                     :
: (voice:  520-626-4415)        Tucson, AZ  85724-5044    USA       :
: (FAX:  520-626-2097)          (email:       :

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