Hello Histonetters,

I have processed some strips of cartilage (about 2cm long, 3mm of height, 2mm 
wide) with my standard protocol.

I cannot section them. They just start to break away as soon as they hit the 
blade. I tried to section them really cold and also at RT, but that did not 
have any effect.

I guess sth went wrong when processing (other kinds of tissue were fine).

My protocol:
Reagent         Time [h]        Spin (Microm ST120)

NBF             1               1
70% Isopropanol 1               1
80% Isopropanol 1               1
95% Isopropanol 1               1
abs Isopropanol 1               1
abs Isopropanol 1               1
abs Isopropanol 1               1
Xylene          1               1
Xylene          1               1
Xylene          1               1
Paraffin  I     1               1
Paraffin II     1               1

Maybe someone can help me out and give some hints.

Thanks a lot!

V. Neubert

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