Dear Histonet Coordinator,

I really appreciate your efforts in maintaining such a great web site.  Please 
kindly post my job posting on our web site.

"Come and Join DNAR!  DNAR  is a fast-growing biotechnology company creating 
innovative cancer diagnostics to meet the need for better informing patients 
and their doctors about treatment choices in their cancer care.  DNAR is 
located in Greater Boston area, Massachusetts.

DNAR is currently hiring talented histotechnologists  with extensive IHC 
experiences to work in a team for successful IHC assay development for cancer 
markers.  We offer competitive salary, benefits and stock options.  To learn 
more about our company, please visit our website:<>.  If you are interested in pursuing this 
position, please send your resume to:<> with 
the Code: DN571. "

Thanks very much for your help.  Please do not hesitate to contact  me.  Have a 
nice day!

Stella Quan, Ph.D.
Senior Director of Product Development
1 Kendall Square, Building 300, 3rd floor
Cambridge, MA 02139

617-517-3210 x115

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