I am attempting to use this antibody, CD168 (2D6), also known as Rhamm or Hmmr.

I tried using 10mM citrate buffer but that did not work at all. I did not see 
any signal. I also have tried using the 1mMEDTA antigen retrieval solution but 
the control tissue, normal human testis, was no longer there after AR is done. 
I have tried other control tissues still no results. It was suggested to me to 
use Excel slides which I did and the tissue stayed but was very degraded after 

 I am using a 1:50 and 1:100 dilution of this antibody but I see a bit of 
cytoplasm lighting up at 1:50. The data sheet says that it should show on the 
cell membrane.   But the signal only showed up after I left the antibody 
overnight at 4 degrees.  I have also tried the antibody at room temp for 1 hour 
to no avail.  I am using DAKO products, protien block, Mouse Polymer and DAB+ 
which have worked in other IHC's recently done.

I have tried two different lots of this antibody with no success.  Any 


Joie Haviland, HT (ASCP)
Senior Research Assistant,
Dr. McDonnell's Lab Y5.6057
Department of Hematopathology
MD Anderson Cancer Research Center

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