Hi all,

I'm trying to do some double labelling to show that a protein resides in the ER 
but I'm having some trouble getting nice reticulated ER staining in fixed 
cells. So far I have tried fixing in 4% PFA (15min on ice) followed by 
permeabilization with Tritonx100 (0.25%; 10min; room temp) or Saponin (0.5%; 
7min; room temp; all susequent solutions containing 0.05% saponin). ER antibody 
is rabbit anti Calnexin (Stressgen).
The labelling I'm getting is quite strong but is very punctate. Staining of my 
protein of interest is also very puntate but doesn't appear to colocalise with 
the clanexin and also I don't see any staining of the plasm membrane - which I 
should! Anyway the Prof wants to see nice reticulated staining of the ER - 
which I have seen in live cells with ER tracker but is it possible to get the 
same thing with fixed cells?
I thought about trying to fix with glutaraldehyde but ?concentration ?time......
Also my PFA was in PBS would it be better to put it in HEPES or PIPES?

Any suggestions welcome!


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