I suggest you use a counterstain for your IF to reduce the autofluoresence. 
Evans Blue - the product can be used as a counterstain in immunohistochemistry 
when using FITC. After staining for immunofluorescence, dip sections in a 0.1% 
(w/v) in water solution of Evans Blue for 5-10 minutes. Rinse well in fresh PBS 
or water before coverslipping. Reference: Immunocytochemistry, Theory and 
Practice, p. 82 (1988). Purchase from Sigma-Aldrich.

William DeSalvo, B.S., HTL(ASCP)

> From: t...@stowers.org
> To: histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu
> Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 12:18:47 -0500
> Subject: [Histonet] Re: DIF tissue in GLUT
> Anne,
> Tissue that has been fixed in glutaraldehyde has very, VERY bright 
> autofluorescence. Unless there is some way to minimize this (none that I'm 
> aware of), your immunofluorescence will be impossible to read over the 
> background signal.
> Teri Johnson, HT(ASCP)QIHC
> Managing Director Histology Facility
> Stowers Institute for Medical Research
> 1000 E. 50th St.
> Kansas City, MO 64110
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