Used to report cervical cytology post radiation; many of the cells were
extremely bizarre and to my mind looked malignant. Fraid I coped out and
reported them as 'abnormal cells present in a post radiation smear,
malignancy cannot be excluded'. These changes lasted for many years
until they settled down to give a normal looking 'post menopausal


Kemlo Rogerson  
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-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Lott,
Sent: 22 September 2009 22:58
Subject: [Histonet] De-differentiated tumor vs. Radiation effect

Hi Everyone,

One of our pathologist has some IHC results that is a bit confusing...

Patient had previous Squamous cell Ca of the lung... had long courses of
radiation and Chemo...eventually died...


At autopsy, the tumor looks much more primitive and bizarre than
before... radiation effect, etc...


Are the any published papers that have looked at the effects of
radiation on pre and post IHC staining.... Any help would be





Robert L. Lott, HTL(ASCP) / Manager, Anatomic Pathology 

Trinity Medical Center/ LabFirst/ 800 Montclair Road / Birmingham, AL
35213 / 205-592-5388


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