OK, light microscopy.
I think frozen sections of formalin fixed (formalin with calcium) material is the way to go here. Wash out the formalin as it will react with the dicrhomate then "fix" with Os or Os-dichromate. Altman's fix is equal parts of 2% aqueous osmium and 5% aqueous potassium dichromate. There are many variations on this mix, I doubt if concentration matters much. Fix sections on slides for an hour or two, wash well. I have fixed mouse kidney with osmium-dichromate for paraffin embedding. The tissue is VERY brittle and hard to cut. I would not expect good results.


Liz Chlipala wrote:
Light Micro.  I have done this before and it turned out great on some
mouse muscle, but I misplaced my procedure.


Elizabeth A. Chlipala, BS, HTL(ASCP)QIHC
Premier Laboratory, LLC
PO Box 18592
Boulder, Colorado 80308
office (303) 682-3949 fax (303) 682-9060
Ship to Address:
1567 Skyway Drive, Unit E
Longmont, Colorado 80504

-----Original Message-----
From: Geoff McAuliffe [mailto:mcaul...@umdnj.edu] Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 1:41 PM
To: Liz Chlipala
Cc: histo...@pathology.swmed.edu
Subject: Re: [Histonet] procedure for osmium and potassium chromate?

Dalton's Chrome-osmium fix was popular for awhile in the 1950's. You will need to look in an older methods book. The combo of dichromate and osmium will not make your safety officer happy. There are many ways to stain lipids with osmium, alone or mixed with something else. Is this for EM or LM?


Liz Chlipala wrote:
I'm trying to find a procedure for staining fat in tissues with osmium
and I think potassium dichromate, does anyone out there have this
protocol available.  I have found it before on the web but for some
reason I can't  find it this time.


Elizabeth A. Chlipala, BS, HTL(ASCP)QIHC


Premier Laboratory, LLC

PO Box 18592

Boulder, Colorado 80308

office (303) 682-3949
fax (303) 682-9060


Ship to Address:

1567 Skyway Drive, Unit E

Longmont, Colorado 80504

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Geoff McAuliffe, Ph.D.
Neuroscience and Cell Biology
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
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