We have an Aperio Scanner.  I'm not quite sure what you are asking but this is 
what I think from your e-mail.  Aperio scans create .svs files these files are 
considered a modified tiff file.  When aperio scans the file is placed into the 
spectrum database - from there you can create case or project files, etc.  
These images can be viewed via imagescope.  There is no issue with placing 
other images that have not been generated on the scanscope into the spectrum 
database, you can upload any image into the spectrum database we have done this 
in the past.  These images can also be viewed with imagescope we have only 
uploaded single magnification tiff files into the aperio spectrum database.  
The Hamamatsu Nanozoomer I believe also comes with a database and some viewing 
sofware.  Are you asking if you can view the HN images in the spectrum 
database?  To be honest I'm not sure if you can view the images completed with 
image scope I would ask your sales rep.  I'm sure you are aware that both of 
these scanners essentially create virtual slides.  Not just an image of a slide 
at one magnification.  The viewing software allows you to view the images at 
different magnifications. I'm not that familar with Visiomorph its the Olympus 
product and doesn't Olympus sell the HN scanner?  I would also think that that 
the database that comes with the HN scanner should be able to accept other 
images and should have some conferencing capabilities, I know that the aperio 
does.  I'm not sure if I answered your questions, but I would ask the sales 
reps from both aperio and Olympus about compatability.  With repects to 
analysis I think that the Visiomorph software will be able to analyze a image 
generated from the scanscope.  If you are working with an HN scanner and the 
visiomorph software I'm assuming that you will be able to perform batch 
analysis on selected images from the olympus database.  You have to find out if 
you can run batch analysis out of either of the databases with the Visiomorph 
software - if you have lots of slides to analyze then setting them up one at a 
time is too labor intensive.  You can call me if you want to, I'm at a 
conference but will be back in the lab tomorrow  (303) 682-3949


From: on behalf of Kim Merriam
Sent: Wed 1/27/2010 8:16 AM
To: Histonet;
Subject: [IHCRG] Hamamatsu Nanozoomer

Hi Everyone,
I was wondering if any of you folks had experience with the Hamamatsu 
Nanozoomer slide scanner.  We recently learned about it and are considering 
getting one instead of an Aperio slide scanner.  We plan to use Visiomorph 
image analysis software, so all we really need is the scanner and not all of 
the fancy software that these companies sell to go with their instruments.
The other labs at my company have Aperio systems and the images from the 
Nanozoomer would need to compatible or made to be compatabile for this to be a 
viable option for us (for cross-site slide conferencing purposes).  We are 
interested in it because this instrument can be adapted for fluorescence (with 
Aperio, you need to purchase 2 separate instruments; one for light microscope 
and one for fluorescence).
Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
Kim Merriam, MA, HT(ASCP)QIHC
Cambridge, MA 

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