Dr Richmond, 
Thanks so much for that link to Vade Mecum. I've never before seen the book, 
but it has brought me back to my childhood, when I found a similar 
histotechnique book,  Michael Guyer's Animal Micrology, in an antique shop my 
mom was browsing, some 44 years ago. This book was referenced all over that 
book, and in Gray's Microtomist's Formulary and Guide which I obtained later as 
my interest in histotechnique grew during high school, an interest kindled by 
that book  and resulting in a rewarding and fascinating career. I feel like a 
kid again. Very cool. 
It's amazing how much mercury they slung around back then. Hell, I made my own 
Zenker's fluid in high school from those books, bet the waste went down the 
drain too. 
Jeff Silverman 
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