We have a difficulty cutting metatarsal bone . It seems that our sections are 
so dried up. I was thinking that our dehydration have something to do with this 
which we have placed it in a wrong processing procedure for our large bone. The 
tissue is 4 mm thick and 1-2 cm in length and width and  was dehydrated in 70% 
- 4 hrs, 80%-4 hrs,95% -4 hrs and 2 changes of 100% 3 hrs each, paraffin is 4 
hrs each 2 changes. The tissue was decalcified in 14% EDTA. When we start 
cutting them it is so brittle and we could not even create a section. I have 
surfaced decal it and also place in a softener Mollifex some of it work but 
some does not work. Please help us remedy this tissue. Thank you.

Reuel Cornelia, BS MT, AMT
Cellular Pathology
Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
2222 Welborn Street
Dallas, TX 75219
Tel: 214-559-7766
fax: 214-559-7768

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