Hi Tim, 

I've been running an Artisan for 10 years both for tinctorial (or "old man" 
stains as one sassy younger pathologist I know calls them) and IHC stains. This 
thing is the best.  Never counted the minutes, but I sure am glad I had one 
today for all my trichromes, AFB and GMS, as well as 9 sentinel nodes and their 
negative controls and a skin tumor panel of cytok, CD34, actin, S-100, Mart 1. 
All I know is it took me 15 minutes to set up the unit, prime the reagents and 
load the slides,  the run took 3 hours 25 minutes, and it took me another 5-10 
minutes to remove the slides and run them down to coverslip and shut down the 
machine. The other thing is the reliability and uniformity of the stains- who 
wants to check and  differentiate hot GMS slides?  

I am crying though that Dako will cease to support IHC on the Artisan platform 
in the next 18 months or so. The stains are absolutely beautiful. Let's all beg 
and grovel, shall we?

Good weekend to all- we're looking at up to 4 inches of rain here on Lawn 

Jeff Silverman- Artisan jockey

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