We have just noticed an issue with our small biopsies lately.   We are 
processing most of the small biopsies by a microwave processor.   We finished 
our validation process about a couple of weeks ago and found little difference 
between the microwave processed tissue verses conventional processing.   Now 
the pathologists are telling us that the nuclei do not seem as sharp and crisp 
as before.   They of course think that the lack of sharpness is due to 
microwaving but obviously there are other issues to consider.  We stain all of 
our biopsies on an automated stainer.  Tomorrow we will again run some biopsies 
on the microwave and some on the  conventional processor and see if there are 
any noticeable difference.  Obviously if we see that the microwave tissue is 
not as crisp then we may need to adjust our microwave processing program.    
Another variable however was added about two weeks ago.  We switched from 
Citrisolve to Clearite III on our stainer.    Has anybody experienced similar 
issues with Clearite III on their automated stainer?  Any other ideas?

James Vickroy BS, HT(ASCP)

Surgical  and Autopsy Pathology Technical Supervisor
Memorial Medical Center

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