I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem we had today with a Trichrome stain and
I was wondering if anyone out there could help.  We do Gomori Blue Collagen
Trichrome Stain... 10 minutes in Weigert's Hematoxylin and then 15 min in
the Gomori Blue Collagen stain followed by a quick change through acetic
acid, alcohol and xylene.  When it's all done, there is this weird "film"
that is present over the entire surface of the slide... almost like the thin
gray film that you sometimes see when you leave slides too long in the
silver solution for a GMS.  Anyways, I'm not sure what's causing it and
putting the slide in xylene or alcohol for a long time doesn't get rid of
it.  It can easily be wiped off, but obviously we can't wipe the section
off.  If anyone could help me narrow down what step might be causing this,
I'd appreciate it!

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