The  CAP has the following to say about this issue (in the FAQ section
   on HE= R2 testing):
   "The  CAP  Immu=  nohistochemistry  
Committee  does not advocate
   transferring  formalin-fi= xed tissues into 
alcohol. There are
   no  data to support the validity= of testing specimens 
   in   this   manner,   and   there   is   a  signif=  icant  risk  that
incompletely   fixed   tissues  will  be  placed  in  alcohol     prematurely  
tissue fixation will be completed in alcohol.
   This  =  may  be  more  
deleterious to IHC testing than slightly
   prolonged  formal=  in  fixation.  
Data  are  also  lacking on
   testing  specimens  that have h= ad prolonged 
exposure to xylene
   (or    xylene    substitute).    Finally,    it=    is    considered
unacceptable  to  leave  fully  processed  tissues  in  heate= d
   paraffin for 
prolonged periods."

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