
I appreciate if someone can answer my question. I am going to stain rats' brain 
microvessels with ER(estrogen receptor) antibody. We know how we can isolate 
the vessels but this is the first time to stain them.
I have the microvessels in PBS 1X and do you know how I can fix them with 
paraformaldehyde and mount them on the gel-subbed slides? I did 2 ways: 1- 
mount the fresh microvessels on the slide and wait overnight to get dried and 
then fix them in 2% PFA for 30 min and after that washing steps and the rest of 
IHC protocol or 2- fix the vessels with 2% PFA in the tube for 30 min and then 
mount them on the slides and wait overnight to get dried.
Please advise me with any idea,
thanks so much,

Dr. Niloofar Rezvani,Ph.D,PharmD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Graduate School of Nursing
Uniformed Services University
Email: niloofar.rezv...@usuhs.mil

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