Question:  When doing frozen section on a lung mass (not fatty- just regular), 
and it chatters, what is the cause?

The cryostat was set at -26, we used the normal OCT media, and cut at 

I prefer not so cold (like -23 to -24)   and I cut sections at 4, 5 , and even 
6 to see if it would help... still chatter!    The pathologist said it looked 
all necrotic-like!!

Without knowing for sure if the tissue's morphology is due to its real state 
(ie- full of cancer) or a cause of freezing artifact, I need some help from any 
histotech that is a Frozen Section Guru :)

Maria Katleba MS HT(ASCP)
Pathology Dept. Mgr
Queen of the Valley Medical Center
1000 Trancas Street
Napa CA 94558
(707) 252-4411 x3689 direct
(707) 226-4385 pager
(707) 294-9229 cell- anytime

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