We have a spread sheet where ALL times are written. We put the time
received in the lab, the time the tech places the specimen in the cryostat,
the time the case is taken to the Pathologist and the time the Pathologist
signs the case out. At the end of the month I look through all of the
sheets and calculate the time for each case. It has to be completed within
20 minutes. If it is not I look for reasons and state these in my end of
the month report.

Beatrice Sullivan, HT(A.S.C.P.) HTL , AAS, CLSP(N.C.A.)
AP Supervisor
Shore Memorial Hospital

             "Scott, Allison                                               
             <allison_sc...@hc                                          To 
             hd.tmc.edu>               <histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu> 
             Sent by:                                                   cc 
             lists.utsouthwest                                     Subject 
             ern.edu                   [Histonet] Frozen Section TAT       
             11/01/2010 02:54                                              

Hello to all in histoland.  How is everyone calculating the FS TAT.
Does any anyone have a file that automatically calculates that tat when
you plug in the data, that they would be willing to share.  Any help
would be appreciated.

Allison Scott
Histology Supervisor
LBJ Hospital.
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