Here we just process starting in 70% EtOH, cut the section on a bath
of 70% EtOH (watch out, it wrinkles very bad) and stain them in an
Eosin only stain (which is the H&E with all of the aqueous parts taken
out).  The pathologist looks at them with a polarizing filter.  Make
sure that they stay away from water!
A good article that talks about this is:
Evaluation of Crystals in Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded Tissue
Sections for the Differential Diagnosis of Pseudogout, Gout, and
Tumoral Calcinosis
Shidham et. al. Mod Pathol 2001;14(8):806–810
Good luck!

On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 5:46 AM, Diana McCaig <> wrote:
> Does anyone have a method for identifying uric acid crystals in gout on
> a tissue sample.
> Diana
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Patrick Laurie HT(ASCP)QIHC
CellNetix Pathology & Laboratories
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