Try interlibrary loan, your library will have access.


On 6/8/2011 6:11 PM, Colleen Forster wrote:
 Hello Histonetters,

I am wondering if anyone out there has the hard copy volumes of "Methods in Cell Biology" Volume 13, pages 171-193 (which is Chapter 9). This chapter has methodology in micro autoradiography that I really need for a protocol design.

The method I need is "Techniques for the autoradiography of diffusible compounds by W.E. Stumpf. This volume is from 1976 so it goes way back!!

HELP!! anyone. Our medical library does not have this book and to get it on Amazon was $172, too steep for my pocket.....


Colleen Forster HT(ASCP)QIHC
U of MN

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