Kevin, This reply has nothing to do with your post.  But my family and I will 
be moving to Tallahassee Florida soon and I would really like to speak with 
regrading Histology in that area.  Would you please email me at at your convenience? 
Ana Pinkston
> Greetings, 
> Â  
> My name is Kevin and I've been working in a pathology / clinical lab setting 
> for the past 8 yrs. 
> I've recently heard about veterinary histology and the possibilities seem 
> endless.  My initial searches have not been very productive and I've even 
> heard that certain states do not allow such studies.... Is this true ?  if 
> so, which ones...? 
> Â  
> I currently live in Tallahassee, Florida and will be re-locating east ( 
> Jacksonville - Daytona Beach, Fl ) in the near future. 
> Â  
> Can anyone help enlighten me ?  Any and all help would be greatly 
> appreciated. 
> Â  
> God Bless, 
> Â  
> Kevin R. Evelyn 
> KWB Pathology Assoc 
> Tallahassee, Florida

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