Hi all,

I'm using the Churukian method  posted by Gayle Callis a few years ago and I 
have encountered a strange problem.  The lipid stains fine, and the Gill's 
hematoxylin looks good before I coverslip with Vectashield Hard Set aqueous 
mounting medium.  But within a matter of minutes, the hematoxylin leaches out.  
I popped off the coverslip and tried again with Mayer's hematoxylin with the 
same results.  I have used Vectashield Hard Set before, in fact I pulled a 5 
year old control that still looks great.  Does anyone have any ideas? 

Denise Crowley
Histology Facility Manager
Koch Center for Integrative Cancer Research
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
500 Main St. 76-182
Cambridge MA 02139

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