Hi Donna,

I had a time with this one as well.  I use Dako's antibody on the Leica 
Bondmax.  I run it at 1:50 using ER2 for 30 minutes.  I would be careful going 
any stronger on the dilution, I got quite a bit of background with a 1:40, the 
1:50 stains clean but can be a little weak if you don't use a fresh cut slide.  
I ultimately decided to go with the 1:50 because I could get cleaner, 
consistent staining with it.

An equivalent for this protocol would be an EDTA (High pH) retrieval in a 
pressure cooker for about 20 minutes with a 10 minute cool down.  Antibody 
incubation on the Bond protocol is 15 minutes.  I would recommend about 30 
minutes on an open system or if you are doing it by hand.  If you are running 
this on a Ventana platform I would start with a CC1 standard and at least 40 
minutes on the antibody incubation.  You may have to bump the retrieval time up 
to the extended.

Good luck!

Ashley Troutman BS, HT(ASCP) QIHC
Immunohistochemistry Supervisor
Vanderbilt University Histopathology
1301 Medical Center Drive TVC 4531
Nashville, TN  37232
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