On 10/10/2011 1:37 PM, sarah Tabatabaei wrote:
Hi histoneters,

I have a question regarding Sodium Cacodylate.
In our lab, after fixing our human tissue, we usually leave it in 10% sucrose 
in double distilled water for a couple of days to remove all the fixatives out 
of it. Recently, I  used a solution of 10% sucrose in 0.1 ml Sodium Cacodylate, 
instead of the plain distilled water thing. I have a feeling I have ruined them 
for IHC. right? Can someone tell me what I have done to my tissue? I am 
supposed to do immunohistochemistry and some histology on these tissues.

Looking forward to hear from you


Histonet mailing list

Why do you think the specimens are ruined?
Certainly no problem with the histology, cacodylate buffer has been used for many years for EM. Its use has declined as less-toxic alternatives have been found.
As for immuno, try it, what have you got to lose?
And why did you use cacodylate in the first place?


Geoff McAuliffe, Ph.D.
Neuroscience and Cell Biology
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
675 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854
voice: (732)-235-4583

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