Several sources for mouse antiRat CD31 (PECAM) were found by doing a simple
Google search with keywords mouse antiRat CD31 immunohistochemistry.  You
can buy this monoclonal from Serotec, BD Biosciences and probably
eBiosciences plus other companies that specialize in rodent antibodies.   As
for protocol, IHC World had a mouse antiRat CD31 procedure that worked on
FFPE tissue with recommended retrieval - certainly worth a  try with your
reagents.    Be sure to check application e.g.  IHC on FFPE or frozen
sections for any particular company's technical data sheet before buying the
antibody.   They sometimes only test on frozen sections or with the formalin
free Zinc Tris Buffer (Becksteads  ZSF fixative) fixed tissue for paraffin
sections ala BD Biosciences Pharmingen.      


As for working concentration, one should always do a dilution panel since
your laboratory conditions and reagents will never be the same as in someone
else's laboratory.   We start our dilution panel at 10 ug/ml for solvent
fixed fresh tissue frozen sections, and 20ug/ml for FFPE, and often fill in
a wide gap if doing a serial dilution.   The gap could be 1:500 then 1:1000,
so we toss in a 1:750, and sometimes a 1:1500.   


Gayle M. Callis




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