I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a Jones/PAMS stain that is 
not working properly. This is something we don't do often.  The last time we 
did it was a year and a half ago, and it seemed fine at the time.
We have tried 3 or 4 protocols, including an ammoniacal silver, and it is still 
not working properly.  In some protocols, our red cells are staining but the 
capillaries in the glomeruli do not seem to be picking up the silver.  In other 
protocols, there are nuclei of some cells that should not be staining that are, 
but again, the capillaries are not.  We are working on mouse tissue that is 
fixed in NBF.  The strange thing is the stain seems to be working well on 
Bouins and Telly's fixed tissue.  I even tried mordanting in Bouins!  We have 
tried multiple kidneys with the same results.  We are on new bottles of silver 
and periodic acid, although our methenamine has been around a while.  Any 
suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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