Maxim, I have used and would recommend the Hacker H/I-76 Microtome Knife 
Sharpener.  With this sharpener, honing and stropping a microtome knife takes 
only a few minutes, and results in a better knife edge than the automatic glass 
plate honing/stropping method.  Also, as long as the knife edge has not been 
nicked or damaged, the microtome knife need only be stropped as needed.    I 
like you choice to stay away from the disposable knife blades.  I preferred 
using the solid knife to the disposable blades because of the strength and 
stability at the cutting edge (less of a chance for the chatter artifact).  The 
very sharp, slightly biconcave edge on the blade (see profile B on their 
website, below) allows 4 micron sections to be easily sectioned from the 
paraffin block.  A new H/I-76 can be ordered directly from Hacker,   For less of an investment... 
be wary, there are a few available on the secondary market.
Keith Mikoff, HTL/HT(ASCP)
Sacramento, California

Message: 5
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 23:20:15 +0300
From: Maxim Peshkov <>
Subject: [Histonet] Automatic knife sharpener
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1251

Dear Histonetters!
Can anybody to advise, what type automatic knife sharpener
we can buy in Europe (Germany) instead Leica SP9000,
which now is unavailable for sale? What vendors?
We do not like a Shandon "Autosharp 5" type sharpener.
Maxim Peshkov
Histonet mailing list

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