This inquiry applies to those of you collecting human tissue for research.  I 
am being asked to develop pricing for the following activities regarding 
collection of biospecimens from surgery, image-guided biopsies, endoscopic 
biopsies, bone marrow biopsies, and body fluids:

1.  Collection of fresh tissue and freezing in liquid nitrogen.
2.  Collection of fresh tissue and placement in tissue culture media.
3.  Preparation of one paraffin block containing formalin-fixed tissue.
4.  The preparation of one unstained slide from a paraffin block.

I would appreciate hearing from those of you who might already have charges 
established for these activities.  Thank you very much for your time.  Happy 
"National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week" to all!


Richard W. Cartun, MS, PhD
Director, Histology & Immunopathology
Director, Biospecimen Collection Programs
Assistant Director, Anatomic Pathology
Hartford Hospital
80 Seymour Street
Hartford, CT  06102
(860) 545-1596 Office
(860) 545-2204 Fax

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