Thank you, Ian - the quote from Carson's book with be most helpful.  I do not 
have access to reference texts in my current location - I very much appreciate 
your time to provide the quote.  Good luck with your HTL!

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian R Bernard <>
To: Jackie O'Connor <>; histonet 
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 4:48 pm
Subject: RE: [Histonet] Can use some help with processing references

Rather than research literature (lit), may I refer you to the foremost 
n histotechnology procedures: Histotechonology- A Self Instructional Text, 3rd 
dition by Frieda Carson and Christa Hladik, Chapter 2, page 38, paragraph 2: 
Tissue should remain in paraffin the shortest time necessary for good 
nfiltration because exposure to prolonged heat causes shrinkage and hardening." 
 consider book the foremost (bible) reference on histotechnology.  At least I 
ope so, since I'm studying for my HTL from this book. Note: There are lit at 
he end of this chapter that may go into more detail.
The paragraph goes on to state that: " ...melted paraffin should be kept 2 to 4 
egrees Celsius above the melting point because tissues exposed to overheated 
araffin during infiltration will over harden.
Bottom-line, I would not leave tissues in paraffin over the weekend.  If you 
sing an automatic-closed system processor, your equipment should be able to 
ork on a delayed status, where the tissues will sit in 10 Neutral Buffered 
ormalin under vacuum (better for the tissue), all weekend, and start processing 
chedule on Sunday to come off on Monday morning. At least ours does.
Hope this helps.
Ian R. Bernard
an R. Bernard, MSHA, HT (ASCP)
0th Medical Group- Anatomic Pathology Lab
SAF Academy, CO 80840

-----Original Message-----
n Behalf Of Jackie O'Connor
ent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 2:42 PM
ubject: [Histonet] Can use some help with processing references

Hi Y'all - I'm kind of in a jam here - I'm looking for references on paraffin 
issue processing - can someone point me towards any literature that says 
eaving tissues in molten paraffin over the weekend is a bad idea?  I need to 
rove a point, and need something to back me up.  I'm out of the US doing a 
onsult, having trouble doing a lit search - I'm really not lazy.  
hanks in advance.
ackie O'
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