Hello out there in Histoland,
I have to do some bulk runs with Pronase antigen retrieval. Up until now
the number of slides have been so few that I have been able to do the
antigen retrieval by dropping pronase on each slide and incubating them in
a humidified chamber at 37C for 20min. I now have so many slides that my
manager has suggested that I make up large amounts of the Pronase (250ml)
and submerge the slides. She suggested placing the container in the oven
earlier to allow the Pronase to get to 37C before I add the slides. How
long is the Pronase ok to be keep at 37C before I use it? How long in
advance can I place it in the 37C before it looses its ability to be used
as an antigen retrieval?
Thanks for all your help,
Eva Permaul
Histonet mailing list

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