Thanks for your interest in this matter and for the ability of others to 
advertise or not, but I'm not sure why this is any concern of yours. You are 
the ONLY poster who has responded in a negative way.

I take what I do very seriously and would gladly pay for advertising on this 
forum. If we do our research however, you'll find that staffing companies have 
and do advertise here regularly when they post jobs with their company's email 
and phone number and other relevant contact info.

I am not offensive or disrespectful in my approach and my information has been 
received very well and in fact has proven to be an invaluable resource for 
respected organizations. There are still those who really need the right person 
to help their lab through difficult times and I want to do all in my power to 
make sure they have access to help.

Much like the myriad other topics that are posted/discussed, you can choose to 
ignore those which are not relevant to you in particular.

If you have constructive and positive information on alternative means to reach 
the ones who need assistance, feel free to contact me personally.



On Oct 1, 2012, at 5:04 PM, Jay Lundgren <> wrote:

>      Is advertising allowed on Histonet now, or not?  When I brought up this 
> issue before, people responded, "Oh, if it's just a tech looking for a job 
> once in a while..." etc.  This is at least the third time this COMPANY has 
> advertised on here. 
>     This forum is not meant for marketing.  I'm sure all the other staffing 
> agencies would love to advertise on Histonet for free.  Could I get the 
> opinion of a moderator?
>                                           Sincerely,
>                                               Jay A. Lundgren, M.S., HTL 
> (ASCP)

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