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   Mrs. Buesa,
   I sincerely hope you are not pointing = to me as trying to foment some
   kind  of  fear  to drive voting in one = direction or another.   I did
   state  in my original post that I = hoped we could avoid the political
   vitriol, but I guess because the future = is somewhat foggy as to what
   is going to happen, I should have just left = out mention of political
   parties/presidents  in  my original post.  = We're mere days away from
   the  final  reconning, so if people haven't done = their due diligence
   and  research  on each candidate and the issues we're = facing, basing
   your  decision  on  some  comments on a forum might be a poor = way to
   base such an important decision.
   The  trending  in  POL's  is  = currently having a DIRECT effect on my
   employment  situation,  so  that  was = the motivation for my original
   post.    I  would  like to = understand the landscape and ecosystem of
   private  labs,  POL's,  large = references labs and the like, and I am
   only  just starting to understand = the labrynth that is the medicaire
   billing  system.    How this = all plays out is going to effect us all
   directly, so it is I guess = understandable that opinions and emotions
   almost can't be filtered out of = the discussion.  Our livelihoods are
   on the line.
   My  sincere  = appologies though if I have ruffled too many feathers    
here.     I was merely looking for deeper insight and = knowledge into
   the  topic.    One  topic that seems to have been = raised though, and
   wich  I  tend  to agree, is there is some bloat, or = overinflation of
   procedures  going  on,  which  cuts  to  the  heart  of the issue = --
   monetary incentives to inflate charges and thus revenue, especially if
   =  Pathologists  are  now  able  to get an extra cut of the lab-fees    
involved.    Personally  I  don't  think  it's  a bad idea at all to    
scrutinize  very closely what is going on with this, even if it upsets
   the  =  balance  and flows of money... if it leads to a more efficient
   and just = system.

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