Maria - Well said. 

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Maria Mejia
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 11:36 AM
To: Morken, Timothy
Subject: Re: [Histonet] Basis for Quality Work in a Histotech


I agree with everyone's valuable thoughts regarding your question.  As a 
supervisor, it's imperative to communicate with people in such a way that they 
change themselves.
With some people the act of  "getting the task done,"  has such an urgent need 
that can lead them to become careless & aggressive, leaping before looking & 
even speaking without thinking first.  In histology, we know it's more 
important to avoid making mistakes - to be certain every detail is accurate & 
in place. And, it's important to find the balance between the 2 intentions of 
"getting the task done" & "getting it done right!"

It's also important to create & develop relationships with those you work with. 
 The desire to contribute to others & be appreciated for what you do, is one of 
the most powerful 
motivational forces known.   And yes, sometimes you get what you give!  Giving 
appreciation & getting along with others go hand-in-hand - & as a supervisor 
it's another balancing
act.  Also when people have the same priorities, a misunderstanding or conflict 
is highly UNLIKELY.

All the best
Maria Mejia
San Francisco, CA

On Dec 17, 2012, at 8:30 AM, Morken, Timothy wrote:

> Travis,
> Histology has a very complex workflow AND requires "artisan" level 
> workmanship to deliver a product. Those two together nearly guarantee 
> mistakes, mostly minor, but sometimes literally life-threatening to patients. 
> The goal is to instill a sense of Best Quality in the techs. A large part of 
> achieving that attitude is to ensure the pathologists and administrators are 
> behind the techs 100% and ALLOW the techs to do Best Quality - ie, accept 
> that Best Quality will sometimes mean slower turnaround time. Does that 
> aspect mean more people are needed? That's your call, but can be determined 
> by workload accounting.
> The attitude should be that the SYSTEM makes the mistake, not the individual. 
> It is not likely a person makes a mistake on purpose, but instead is it some 
> aspect of the system that allows them to make a mistake (though "shortcuts" 
> can be thought of as intentionally risking making mistakes "on purpose," the 
> "purpose" being to save time or effort).
> Workflows can be "engineered" to ensure some mistakes don't happen. Protocols 
> must be followed to the letter by EVERYONE. No workarounds allowed (a 
> workaround is an indication that there is something wrong in the system - the 
> employee feels the need to take shortcuts. Why?  BTW, Bill Gates said the 
> most important word in his vocabulary is "why." Why is something done the way 
> it is? Why does a mistake happen at a certain point? ). In failure analysis a 
> problem is approached by asking 5 levels of WHY? After asking WHY 5 times 
> back down the workflow chain you usually find the root cause of a problem. If 
> not, you keep asking why until the root cause is found.
> For instance, we worked out a slide labeling protocol at the microtome that, 
> if followed, will ensure the tech does not make labeling errors. All 
> participated in working this out and so have bought into the system. All new 
> employees are trained in that system. That will eventually be followed by 
> barcoding, but that is a year away at least. But our protocol has nearly 
> eliminated labeling errors (we still get a few sneaking in here and there but 
> as we catch them we try to figure out how to engineer them away).
> We also finally instituted the printing of cassettes directly from our LIS 
> rather than using a stand-alone printer or hand-writing. That has almost 
> totally eliminated cassette labeling errors - we used to have hundreds per 
> month, mainly by residents putting in cassettes that they did not enter in 
> our LIS, or making simple typo errors on a stand-alone cassette labeler, or 
> hand-written cassettes. 
> All these methods need to be investigated. 
> Rewards are also very helpful. We give out "Bear hugs" that are $5 gift 
> certificates to the campus store, cafeteria, various food vendors in the 
> institution, etc. it's a small reward, but people actually appreciate it. We 
> also have "Star Awards" of $50 gift cards for those times when someone does 
> something more beyond the usual. The receiver chooses the card they want from 
> about 2 dozen available (coffee shops, VISA, various stores, etc).
> Good luck with it!
> Tim Morken
> Supervisor, Electron Microscopy/Neuromuscular Special Studies 
> Department of Pathology UC San Francisco Medical Center
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Rene J 
> Buesa
> Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2012 8:38 AM
> To: Travis Troyer;
> Subject: Re: [Histonet] Basis for Quality Work in a Histotech
> First I want you to excuse me, but I do not think that you are really 
> qualified to supervise 2 histotechs if you need to ask for such quality 
> guidance.
> You end by bemoaning about "budget crunch" and because of that it seems to me 
> that your 2 histotechs are not receiving a "decent" salary and, as everybody 
> knows, you are getting what you are paying for.
> With 10 years of experience you should know that the first step for quality 
> of sections is quality of fixation and quality of processing. You have first 
> to manage that aspect.
> Quality of sections comes after wards and there is no "standard" for mistakes 
> and for what you are describing it seems that mistakes are frequent. By the 
> way, if the pathologists are not pleased, they will not it take on the 
> histotechs, but on you as a supervisor unable to provide them the quality 
> they require.
> There is no such thing as "instant reward" for a good quality job; the 
> histotech should not be treated as "dogs receiving a cookie after a trick 
> performed" but there are 2 tools: you need to keep track of the mistakes → 
> counsel the HT after a mistake → retrain them → keep a track of mistakes and 
> there are verbal and written counselings and an annual evaluation, I am sure 
> you know that.
> The ideal limit of mistakes is "0" but there is some acceptable mistakes 
> limits, as long as they are few and far between. The pathologists are the 
> ones who can tell you what they are willing to accept as mistakes limits. Ask 
> them.
> It seems that if your 2 HTs do not improve, you should start looking for 
> replacements, but they should be better paid, and if the mistakes continue at 
> a high rate, you should put your 10 years experience to work and start doing 
> some bench work René J.    
> From: Travis Troyer <>
> To:
> Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 5:34 PM
> Subject: [Histonet] Basis for Quality Work in a Histotech
> This is a question for all of the lab supervisors.  I am the supervisor of 
> two histotechs.  I am not doing techwork now, but have 10 years of 
> experience.  The pathologists are getting more and more upset at the lack of 
> quality in the work and the mistakes that are happening.  I was wondering if 
> anyone had some ideas on what sort of a goal to set up and how to 
> reward/punish for variations from that goal.  For example,  if the goal is 
> three mistakes for the month, what is the best way to reward them for making 
> that goal and what would be best if they had more mistakes in a given time 
> frame.  We are all feeling the budget crunch and the pathologists are trying 
> to figure out a good solution.
> Thanks,
> Travis Troyer
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