I don't know about your samples now, but for future reference, you might
find this interesting:

Kathleen Roberts

Principal Lab Technician
Neurotoxicology Labs
Molecular Pathology Facility Core
Dept of Pharmacology & Toxicology
Rutgers, the State University of NJ
41 B Gordon Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854
(848) 445-1443
FAX (732) 445-6905

> Dear all,
> During an overnight tissue processing cycle, a malfunction occurred such
> that the sample basket was suspended in mid-air for several hours at
> probably the worst spot in which to do so---after the final absolute
> ethanol of the dehydration series. I continued the process manually in the
> morning, and carried it through blocking and attempted sectioning.
> However, the samples (mouse skin and fat) had been converted to uncuttable
> rocks.
> In hindsight, should I have attempted to rehydrate and reprocess these
> samples in an attempt to glean even minimal information from them?  Or is
> there no way to unmummify a mummy?
> Regards,
> Kevin Johnson
> University of Miami
> Diabetes Research Institute
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