Hi Everyone:

In November, there was a discussion concerning different types of embedding paraffin. Do people find that a certain kind of wax is preferable for embedding brain tissue, or doesn't it matter?

I also use Surgipath EM-400, but have decided to try another brand.
I have been using this paraffin for about 25 years.
It used to cut like butter, with beautiful ribbons and no lines.
I would put the blocks on ice, wait 2 hours, and then cut 7-8 cases (about 190 slides) per day easily.
Now I am struggling to cut 4-5 cases.
I am experiencing a lot of lines in my sections and some rolling and tearing of parts of the sections. This is affecting my lab's productivity, the quality of my sections, and is a source of constant frustration.

I am cutting with Surgipath high profile Teflon coated blades.
When I tried Thermo-Fisher HP-35 Ultra blades, at first they helped, but soon I experienced rolling of the sections.
I have tried changing the angle of the blade, to no avail.
So, I thought that I would try a change in the embedding paraffin.

Thanks for any suggestions that you may have,

Tim Wheelock
Harvard Brain Bank
McLean Hospital
Belmont, MA

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