CAP has requirement for 2 identifiers on slides for intra-operative, such as 
frozen sections only as far I know. That's for slides since the case may not 
yet have an accession #. The blocks, 2 identifiers.
For specimen integrity though, ( CAP required all over the place) you really 
want two different, unique identifiers on everything that you track through the 
whole process.  I like your idea with the labeling, but the intent is to have 
two identifiers and to cross check them. I know how harsh the response can be 
sometimes when a "human" error ( such as failing to catch the discrepancy ) is 
made with an entirely flawed, and "human dependant" system. There is a tendancy 
to cast blame.   
I don't like using patient names on work product much personally, but with at 
least a partial manual system ( I have that too) it becomes necessary. I just 
flip the slide over and read what is under the label, match the name & number 
with the log, or LIS, and match the block with the section on the slide. Still 
not perfect.  For ease of follow up- I just define what constitutes an "error", 
and how many you are "permitted" ( yes I know, its really none), # before  
there are consequences. 

BTW - CAP & NSH are working on a standard labeling guidelines for AP. It is in 
the "works" and defines a lot of these issues and more,  I found it helpful. 
Not sure when it will be published. A draft is probably on CAP and NSH sites. 
 Joelle Weaver MAOM, HTL (ASCP) QIHC
> From:
> To:
> Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2014 18:33:26 +0000
> Subject: [Histonet] slide labeling
> So we have a facility we do some work for that requires both the hand written 
> number and the slide label be viewable, so we place the slide label a little 
> lower and write the number on the top of the frosted end. Does CAP recognize 
> both numbers as a legal record? The reason I ask is because there was a case 
> that the hand written number was wrong but the slide label was correct. That 
> being said, there's still a QA issue with the slide not being accurately 
> labeled. Slides are labeled at microtomy too, the hand written number and the 
> slide label. I contend internally that the slide WAS accurately labeled 
> because the sticker number and block number correspond accurately, the 
> discrepancy was in the hand written number.
> Thoughts? Does CAP have any guidance on this?
> Thanks,
> Curt
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